Film Genres
Tuesday 6th December 2022 L/O: To explore the concept of film genre. Do Now: Film Genres: Comedy Fantasy Action adventure Sci-fi Horror Drama Thriller Romance Western Documentaries Crime Animation Period drama Family? Kids? Musical Rom-Com (is a hybrid) Action-Comedy (is a hybrid) Music Christmas? Genre - A style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics. Hybrid - mixture of of 2 or more genres. Sub-genres - categories a genre can be divided into. Animation: Frozen The Emoji Movie Beauty and the beast Cinderella Snow White Sleeping Beauty Moana Tangled Princess and the frog Coco Wall-E Inside Out Soul Up Monsters Inc. Lady and the Tramp Animation Sub-Genres: Fantasy Music Adventure Romance Comedy Animated Film Research: 1) Find out and list the main genre conventions for your genre. 1) Some of the main genre conventions from animation are: Hero - In every animated film there is always someone who is going to save the day in the nick of time. ...